SAVE THE DATE: Annual Independence Main Street and Optimist Club Holiday Parade!
More details and registration link to come!
For any questions or further information, feel free to call or email the Main Street office.
Come enjoy our family friendly, shop local events
Everything you have ever wished for in a downtown district...
SAVE THE DATE: Annual Independence Main Street and Optimist Club Holiday Parade!
More details and registration link to come!
For any questions or further information, feel free to call or email the Main Street office.
Independence Main Street is a community organization that promotes small business growth, entrepreneur development, and shop local events, in beautiful, historical downtown Independence, Kansas.
We are constantly working to promote downtown Independence and the businesses that we serve. Please let us know if you would like to get involved, we would love to have your help or hear your ideas!
Tabatha Snodgrass Executive Director
(620) 331-2300